Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the access to and the use of GaflaQuiz’s services and platforms, through the website.
All users must comply with the terms and conditions on this page to use GaflaQuiz and its services and platforms.

Non-Registered Users

Non-registered users can access only the parts of the Services that are publicly available and do not enjoy all of the privileges of being a registered member. Non-registered users are, however, still subject to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy
You understand through your use of the Services, you consent to the collection and use of your data and information, As outlined in the Privacy Policy. We may not provide you with any personal data regarding the messages sent or received on our website. You need to read it before you use or access our Services.

Denial of Access
GaflaQuiz has the right to block any user from accessing the website or using its services in general.

Link Removal
Your Generated Link will be removed after seven days.

Impersonation, by name, is not allowed, and GaflaQuiz has the right to take adequate actions.

Public Use
All users should perform to ethics and values and should refrain from insult and abuse of the site.
Removal and Blocking of Content and Accounts
GaflaQuiz has the right to block or remove content and accounts for any reason it sees adequate. Also, you acknowledge that we have your consent to monitor and block content that we consider to be harassing or bullying.

GaflaQuiz has the right to use the information input by users with agreement to the privacy policy.

We require our users to be at least 18 years old to access or use any of our platforms and services.

GaflaQuiz has the right to send users notification containing Advertisement from the 3rd Party.

Limits of Responsibility
All communicated content on the website is the responsibility of their owners. GaflaQuiz is not answerable for its content or any damage that could result from this content or the use of any of the site’s services.

Modifications of Terms and Conditions
We have the liberty to modify terms and conditions in the future if needed, and whenever sufficient.

Governing Law
You agree that the Services provided by GaflaQuiz shall be subject to all the applicable regulations in the nation of India. Any dispute shall be before the courts of Kolkata, India.

Contact Us
For you can contact us on our “Facebook Page” chat.


Last Updated 30 Feb 2020.