Advertise With Us

For online advertisement requirements, please do email to


  • Format Allowed : JPG or GIF
  • Maximum weight : 20 kb
  • Animation limit – 15 seconds
  • Stop all animations before 15 seconds.
  • Last frame should have the company’s branding on it

  • Maximum weight – 30 kb.
  • Maximum frame rate – 12-16 fps
  • Animation limit – 15 seconds
  • Stop all animations before 15 second.
  • Looping not allowed. Can add a replay button
  • Valid clickTAG on the topmost layer.
  • No URL Embedding Allowed
  • User Initiated Sound allowed, File loading not permitted.
  • Backup Image mandatory.
  • Last frame should have the company’s branding on it\

For online advertisement requirements, please do email to